Tiny copies of weapons for models of 54 mm (1:32), 75 mm (1:24) and 90 mm (1:18) scales.

Tiny copies of weapons for models of 54 mm (1:32), 75 mm (1:24) and 90 mm (1:18) scales.
Today, most of the Silver Dream Studio figures are completed with miniature copies of a weapon made of steel. It is many times stronger, more aesthetic and just easier in the work of the artist than the native tin.
Also, everyone knows how absurd sometimes look like thick drains in the hands of infantry, which represent spears, and something like police batons instead of knight swords, and also how fragile it is.
In the case of steel weapons, these problems no longer exist. All samples presented in the catalog are made by professionals with many years of experience in this topic and have been repeatedly put on miniatures of various companies.
The album presents the so-called draft photos. For me personally, they are quite enough for work, but if this topic is in demand, in the future I plan to expand the description and add photos of specific figures on which this weapon was placed.
The catalog will be constantly updated. It is possible to produce individual projects according to your sketches or samples on models up to 1: 6 scale.

Minimum order amount - 2000 RUB (about 30$).  The exchange rate RUB-US is 65-69 RUB for 1 US depends on your bank.
The minimum number of any kind - 2 pieces.
Shipping price worldwide 7-12$ depending on total weight.
Payment via PAYPAL only.
To order, please send the numbers and the number of required items to mail Spbsouvenir81@gmail.com
Or you can contact me on FB https://www.facebook.com/AlekseyBuriak

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